In less than 1 month Maschine is releasing it’s new edition of the fabled Maschine controller. And to tell you the truth… We’re fu*king EXCITED! As Maschine MKII/Maschine 2.0 users we’ve been getting incremental updates for sometime — which probably means Maschine 3.0 is on the way… But either way, here are 5 reasons that beat-makers should be excited about the MKIII.

1. Built-In Audio Interface

The new Maschine has a built-in, 96kHz/24-bit class-compliant audio interface, stereo inputs, & a headphone jack which makes it THAT much closer to be a standalone unit (rumor is that the new Maschine Studio might be). Nevertheless, the idea of being about to record into Maschine using the controller, while also having line inputs for your speakers, mic inputs, and physical volume knob make this Maschine (see what I did there? Lol) that much more appealing.

2. Sleek Design

The new design on the MKIII includes a metal bottom, slimmer knobs, and not to mention a few extra buttons for increased functionality. And oh, did we mention that there’s a touch strip too? The touch strip works in tandem with an array of new effects, like a stutter.

3. Bigger Pads

While the pads on the earlier Maschine models weren’t that bad, we’ve all had those instances where we’ve accidentally hit an adjacent pad while jamming out on the controller. To solve that, the good people over at Native Instruments opted to increase the size of the MKIII’s pads while also working on their responsiveness. And if that doesn’t hook you, you might not be a true drum machine user.

4. High Res Display

The screens on the MKII & MKI are cool — but these new Hi-Def color screens on the MKIII are a thing of dreams. Not gonna lie to you guys and say that I’ll miss the gray screen. Trust me, I won’t.

5. Omni-Directional Jog Wheel

In addition to the added effects, and the new touch strip that comes with the new Maschine, we also get a revamped jog wheel that moves in 4 directions and has added functions for quick browsing your sound library and navigating the software. Akai, it’s your move.


As mentioned earlier, new hardware often means new software is coming very soon. While Maschine has incrementally updated 2.0, one can’t help but think that the new units being released in Oct. 2017 means that the new version of NI’s flagship software isn’t that far behind. One thing is for sure though… If the Maschine studio/Maschine 3.0 isn’t dropping this year, can Jan. 2018 HURRY UP AND GET HERE!

— Drum Machine Addicts

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